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With a combined experience of over a hundred years, our team of radiologists and radiographers are committed to providing 24/7 diagnostic imaging services with the help of our state-of-the-art modern equipment. We use the latest technology in imaging to examine and produce clear images of the internal organs, bones and nerves in multiple views to ensure a thorough diagnostic review. Our specialized radiologists also treat many health problems using minimally invasive interventional radiology techniques.
- 4D Ultrasound
- Elastography
- Thyroid
- Tissue

Services & Facalities
CT Scan is now only available in North Okkalapa Branch and Lanmadaw Branch.
Hospital Services
For Patient Services
Call : 01 655 6124
Mail :info@shwelaminhospitals.com
Address : No.1254
Thudhama Road, Ward-2
North Okkalapa Township
Yangon, Myanmar